You don't have to spend years figuring out how to achieve your piano goals. I've figured out the way. Let me hold you hand the entire way. Make progress every single week by focusing on "the 3 tools" and enjoy getting better faster.
Learn 3 powerful tools to fill out your piano playing and sound like a pro:
Creative Chord Voicing
Soulful Improvisation
Nik's Simple Syncopation
TECHNIQUE MEETS FEELING: Online video lessons to break away from stiff and boring playing, with support from Nik every step of the way.

Simply enter your name & e-mail to access 6 FREE video piano lessons
"Read This Page Very Carefully. It Could Change Your Musical Life Forever."
"Have You Ever Felt This Way?"
Who Am I & Why Should You Even Be Listening To Me?
Who Am I & Why Should You Even Be Listening To Me?

Very few people know how to actually teach real piano improvisation and flow BUT I do! I've figured out a step-by-step way to teach it. Let me hold you hand the entire way. Make progress every single week by focusing on "the 3 tools" and enjoy getting better faster.

When You Use These "3 Powerful Tools" Don't Be Alarmed When Ya Suddenly Find Your Piano Enjoyment Taking OFF!

Simply Focus On These 3 Tools The Next Time You Practice...

Then More...
And it all happens at the same time, feeding each other.

The Secret
If you can watch me apply the 3 powerful tools in different songs and situations, you will actually learn how to use them in any song you play and not just copycat what I'm doing...
If you can watch me apply the 3 powerful tools in different songs and situations, you will actually learn how to use them in any song you play and not just copycat what I'm doing...
"Let Me Show You What I Mean"

Don't take my word for it...
Don't take my word for it...
Here's what my students have to say...
Here's what my students have to say...
"...I would highly recommend any and all of Nik's courses if you want to take your rhythms and musicality to the next level."

No. 2 Forbes "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women."
Former CEO of Kraft Foods & Mondelez International
As seen in:

Ready To Get Started?
Explore below...
Chord Voicing + Licks & Runs

Learn soulful chord voicing, passing chords, licks & runs, reharmonization plus much more.
Brand New Course: "The Art of Improvisation"

Explore the world of improvisation empowered by Nik's signature patterns, thoughtfully harmonized with his dynamic left hand syncopated voicing, "The Momentum Push Framework".
Rhythm Beyond

Master the art of polyrhythms and effortlessly integrate them into your playing, instantly enhancing your sound to a polished, professional level.
Not sure?
Take the 60 second quiz

- Todd Roberts



- Christina LEE

Ready To Get Started?
Explore below...
Chord Voicing + Licks & Runs

Learn soulful chord voicing, passing chords, licks & runs, reharmonization plus much more.
Brand New Course: "The Art of Improvisation"

Explore the world of improvisation empowered by Nik's signature patterns, thoughtfully harmonized with his dynamic left hand syncopated voicing, "The Momentum Push Framework".
Rhythm Beyond

Master the art of polyrhythms and effortlessly integrate them into your playing, instantly enhancing your sound to a polished, professional level.
Not sure?
Take the 60 second quiz
"I have spent lot of money on programs and local teachers, they just did not know what to do. Nik has methods that have met my needs for accompaniment, fills, solos, and it all sounds professional. Thank you Nik."

As seen in:

Frequently Asked Questions
Nik Answers The Most CommonQuestions About His Courses.
Why Choose My Lessons?
My course is VERY different and not a traditional curriculum. I focus on helping adults who tinker around with chord charts and playing by ear fill out their music to sound more professional. And if you've done your research you'll see that no one is teaching online the way I do!
The 3 proven effective tools you will learn how to apply to your playing are, creative chord voicing, soulful improvisation and Nik's rhythm...and unlike other courses, we're doing it all without sheet music or reading notes. Here's a small sample of the thousands of adults I've helped over the years:
The 3 proven effective tools you will learn how to apply to your playing are, creative chord voicing, soulful improvisation and Nik's rhythm...and unlike other courses, we're doing it all without sheet music or reading notes. Here's a small sample of the thousands of adults I've helped over the years:
Are Your Courses For Beginners Or Advanced Players?
BOTH! I've had many people who were complete beginners use the course successfully. I've also had many seasoned pianists (some professional touring musicians even) take my courses and LOVE THEM.
The biggest thing you need to be comfortable with is, learning songs using chords charts. If you don't know chords, don't worry, I have a beginner's course to get you up to speed and lessons to build your technique if you're just getting started.
The biggest thing you need to be comfortable with is, learning songs using chords charts. If you don't know chords, don't worry, I have a beginner's course to get you up to speed and lessons to build your technique if you're just getting started.
Out of the 3 courses, which one should I enroll in?
Take the 60 second quiz to see which course(s) is best for you! Click the button below to launch the quiz...
How Are Your Lessons Different Than Classical Training?
I took 17 years of classical training, so my teaching and playing style is influenced by that. But I realized something very quickly while taking classical lessons: it does not teach you how to flow freely, improvise or play creatively. Your eyes are glued to reading notes and many adults don't understand that the very thing keeping them from reaching their piano goals, (of playing some Elton John, etc. with a natural and full sound) is the sheet music in front of them.
So, my courses are different than classical training in that they do not focus on reading notes. Instead, my lessons focus on using chord charts and filling out your sound creatively, with feeling, using my 3 proven effective tools: syncopation, chord voicing and improvisation patterns.
So, my courses are different than classical training in that they do not focus on reading notes. Instead, my lessons focus on using chord charts and filling out your sound creatively, with feeling, using my 3 proven effective tools: syncopation, chord voicing and improvisation patterns.
My Technique is Bad, Where Should I Start?
Start with my course, "The Art of Improvisation"! It sounds counterintuitive BUT the course is packed with amazing exercises to build coordination, finger strength and technique.

I'm "Old" Will This Work For Me?
This is easy to answer. Regardless of your age, if you are willing to put the work in AND pay careful attention to my direction, you will get results. Plain and simple. Your age does not matter.
As a matter of fact, 90% of my students are over 50 years old. My oldest online student is 97. You're never too old to enjoy the piano.
As a matter of fact, 90% of my students are over 50 years old. My oldest online student is 97. You're never too old to enjoy the piano.
How Does "Mentoring" Work?
Mentoring happens in a private student Facebook group. There are currently 840+ students in that private group. Here's a short 1 minute video of how mentoring works:
Are these courses right for me? Meaning, will it work for me?
OK, so everyone's situation is a little bit different, but let me ask you one question: Do you currently know how to play piano without sheet music? If not, why haven't you learned? Why can't you enjoy the piano and JUST flow without sheet music? In my courses I give you the EXACT formula for success with free-styling, my best tips that NO ONE else on the planet is teaching, and step-by-step hand holding (with my mentoring).
That being said, the courses are definitely right for you if:
You want to learn piano but just don't think you have the time. I assure you that you won't get a more efficient program than this.
If you've tried to learn piano before with traditional lessons and sheet music but it didn't "stick", this program is for you.
If you've plateaued and feel stuck, then this program is for you.
If you want to have the ability to play your favorite songs then "noodle" and improvise in the middle of them and REALLY enjoy playing freely, this program is for you.
The key requirement I'd say is learning how to play songs using just chords and a simple melody lines (fake book).
The courses are definitely NOT for you if:
You want to play classical pieces since my methods focus on FLOWING and playing without sheet music.
You are expecting overnight results with very little effort/work involved this, my friend, this is not for you. I wish I could offer some magic pill, but unfortunately you do have to put in a little effort. I've made the piano learning process as simple as it can possibly be without using sheet music, but you still need to have the willingness to trust me and actually complete all the lessons.
If you have a negative, crappy attitude, please don't become a member. Life is too short and we probably won't get along, hehe.
That being said, the courses are definitely right for you if:
You want to learn piano but just don't think you have the time. I assure you that you won't get a more efficient program than this.
If you've tried to learn piano before with traditional lessons and sheet music but it didn't "stick", this program is for you.
If you've plateaued and feel stuck, then this program is for you.
If you want to have the ability to play your favorite songs then "noodle" and improvise in the middle of them and REALLY enjoy playing freely, this program is for you.
The key requirement I'd say is learning how to play songs using just chords and a simple melody lines (fake book).
The courses are definitely NOT for you if:
You want to play classical pieces since my methods focus on FLOWING and playing without sheet music.
You are expecting overnight results with very little effort/work involved this, my friend, this is not for you. I wish I could offer some magic pill, but unfortunately you do have to put in a little effort. I've made the piano learning process as simple as it can possibly be without using sheet music, but you still need to have the willingness to trust me and actually complete all the lessons.
If you have a negative, crappy attitude, please don't become a member. Life is too short and we probably won't get along, hehe.
How Do I Access The Lessons?
The lessons are all online and available through your account on the site. That means, no need to pay for shipping or wait on a physical CD. When you sign up on the site, remember your email and password because that is the way you will login to your account and watch your lessons.
Nikolas, what if I buy and want a refund? What's the policy?
If I can't teach you how to fill out your playing so you sound less basic and more PRO on the piano, then I don't deserve your money. That has always been the case at ImprovPianoTips. Within 30 days of signing up for any of my courses, just let me know the course isn't for you, I'll refund you every penny.
Okay, I'm In...What's The Next Step?
Great! Click HERE!

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Zero Risk
Online lessons can be intimidating. Maybe you’re wondering if they work, or if you’ll use them enough – or if you’ll even enjoy the experience. So I'm removing the risk with my 30-day guarantee. More than anything, I want to make sure you have a POSITIVE experience developing new skills and gaining confidence on the piano.

You don't have to spend years figuring out how to achieve your piano goals. I've figured out the way. Let me hold you hand the entire way. Make progress every single week by focusing on "the 3 tools" and enjoy getting better faster.

Simply enter your name & e-mail to access 6 FREE video piano lessons