Download The Workshop & "5 Minute Piano Pointers" PDF Guide Below 100% FREE...

Download The Workshop & "5 Minute Piano Pointers" PDF Guide Below 100% FREE... 

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Tired of feeling all alone because there are no organized curriculums or schools for learning how to flow and improvise on the professional improv pros available or willing to teach you...or a sad sense that you've been left to piece things together yourself?

"Introducing The #1 Tool Busy Adults Are Using To Play Their Favorite Songs in an Exciting Way + Build Better Technique "

"Introducing The #1 Tool Busy Adults Are Using To Play Their Favorite Songs in an Exciting Way + Build Better Technique "

Sheet music can only get you so far. It's time to learn from a step-by-step curriculum made specifically for busy adults...WHO want to sound good in a simple way...and enjoy sounding professional in songs they love.

Sheet music can only get you so far. It's time to learn from a step-by-step curriculum made specifically for busy adults...WHO want to sound good in a simple way...and enjoy sounding professional in songs they love.

"Read This Page Very Carefully. It Could Change Your Playing Forever."

This page is about your enjoyment on the piano, and if you're like any of my other adult students, it means a lot to you. This is not a traditional approach, but a method I developed over 18+ years of playing and after teaching 22,000+ adults online how to flow and improvise like me. Read this page carefully as it could impact your playing in ways you could never imagine.

     "Have You Ever Felt This Way?"

  • You have a deep desire to enjoy playing music, it has always attracted you, and you believe in your heart that one day, you will realize your full, musical potential...

  • You're all alone because there are no organized curriculums or higher institutions for the flowing and improv style you're after (try getting a degree in "Natural Playing & Feeling Music!")...and the already successful musicians are either unwilling or too busy to teach you.

  • You're envious of those people who can "add" different tones and strikes to any song.

  • You're overwhelmed by how much there is to learn. You've got hand coordination, finger strength, melodies, chords, playing by ear, songs, patterns, left hand rhythms... and you're expected to learn all of this using sheet music. "Something's gotta give?!?!"  "How do the pro's master all of this?"  "I'm a pretty smart person but I still can't seem to retain ALL of this!"

  • You're embarrassed when it's your turn to sit down at the piano and play something for fun BUT you don't know what to fill out your favorite songs - even after taking years of lessons.

  • Your songs aren't bad, just boring.

  • You want to enjoy playing piano freely... and you're not sure the path to take.

  • *If any of these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, continue to read this page. You might be exactly like me when I was developing this method and my training center just might be what you've been looking for!

"Read This Page Very Carefully. It Could Change Your Playing Forever."

This page is about your enjoyment on the piano, and if you're like any of my other adult students, you're tired of sounding boring on the piano. This is not a traditional approach, but a method I developed on my own. Read this page carefully as it could impact your playing in ways you could never imagine.


Before we get ahead of ourselves...

Who Am I & Why Should You Even Be Listening To Me?

Nice to meet you! My name is Nik!

I'm a piano teacher with a Civil Engineering degree (just in case I couldn't do music for a living).

I'm also a YouTuber, Church pianist, twin Dad and husband of 6 years to my sweet Lily.

Since early high school, I've been teaching adults how flow, improvise and play freely on the piano. In fact, the way I've gotten 237,000+ subscribers and 18 MILLION views on YouTube...

And over 23,174 enrolled students on my website is...

...through my unique FOCUS on simple syncopation, creative chord voicing & melodic fillers to embellish your favorite songs ALL WHILE developing better technique.

And after selling my online course for 11 years, teaching my personal adult students, thousands online, playing in Church, and writing music professionally, I realized something...

The Answer?

To Break Away From The Same Boring Way You Play, You Need To Learn In Your Favorite Songs, Not Random Songs OR Exercises...

Take a look at the image below, and really study it.

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You'll see that simple syncopation, melodic gap fillers & creative chord voicing are ALL accounted for - like we've spoken about:

So, if you focus on: Simple syncopation, chord voicing and melodic gap fillers in songs you know and love...then you will finally "break-free from the same boring way you play"

Write your awesome label here.

Watch The Video Above To See How These Tools work

Currently Viewing

"Song Vault"


"Song Vault + Build Better Technique"

Simple Theory

Play Your Favorite
Songs Like a PRO

The Basics

Full Finger
Strength Training

Full Rhythm &
Coordination Training

Full Improvising &
Soloing Training

Video Content

864 minutes

1,644 minutes




Since joining the training center I've made great strides in understanding and playing.

- Charlotte Eva
 Verified Review

I've realized that there's a method to all the "creative musical madness".

- Bryan Timothy Tiu
 Verified Review

He has taught me so much in 10 days about music that 10 teachers over 65 years never told me.

- Todd Roberts
 Verified Review

Here's Charlotte Filling Out Her Favorite Song

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Write your awesome label here.
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"Here's What You're Getting..."


Building a full sound and understanding how to use rhythm when you play doesn't happen by chance. The goal of my "RhythmTechniques4U" course is to strengthen your control and sixteenth-note-placement. In addition to that, you will learn how to properly engage your mind-to-muscle connection with 10 distinct exercises I created.

After developing your control, you'll have access to the Song Vault that covers real-world application of how to activate your left hand rhythms properly to enjoy sounding natural when you play.


No application is left uncovered. That's why I'm committed to uploading videos weekly to help you learn properly in genres/songs you enjoy playing.

Here's some recent application video uploads:

 "Phrasing & Polyrhythms - Half The Secret To Flowing & Improvising on Piano" (uploaded this week)
 "Intermediate Melodic Soloing in "Mad World" by Gary Jules" (uploaded this week)
 "How To Play Piano With Singing" (uploaded this week)
 "Let it Be" - Comping & Solid Chord Soloing (uploaded 1 week ago)
 "Piano Man" Advanced Rhythm Application (uploaded 2 weeks ago)

New Application Videos Uploaded Recently


The key is a blend of memorizing patterns + polyrhythm phrasing + left hand rhythm activation. My unique methods which you won't find anywhere else are broken into six detailed solo & improv videos with over 160 minute of pure soloing and improv exercise tutorials and application videos!

"Solo & Improvise Like Me" is handcrafted to develop a specific sound in mind. You'll be able to memorize eight unique patterns  that start at the beginner level and gradually bring you to a HIGH LEVEL of FLOWING. You'll be able to take those patters with you anytime you sit down to play.

"Here's What You're Getting"

Over 190+ video lessons with virtual keyboards that show upper/lower registers AND chord notation!

Arranged by viewing order, stress free, easy-to-use drop down menus keep even the most "non-techy" adults organized!

Absolute Fundamental Courses:The Basics" & "Finger Strength & Accuracy" video courses!

Enjoy the discussion tab & slo-mo features to interact with others and slow sections down that interest you!

Plus, You Also Get...

Over 190+ video lessons with virtual keyboards that show upper/lower registers AND chord notation!

4 Courses To Build Your Technique: Coordination, Rhythm, Finger Strenghth, Ect.

Plus, You Also Get...

...Song Vault Access!!!

...Song Vault Access!!!

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  Work on building better technique in the "Training Center".

  Then, head over to the "Song Vault" and pick a song you'd like to enhance with syncopation, chord voicing, melodic gap fillers, plus much more.

  In the "Song Vault", you'll enjoy nine (9) bite-sized video lessons per song title, showing you how to enhance the song!

For Example...

The Beatles -  "Let it Be"

1.  Basic Song Structure
2.  Coordination
3.  Simple Syncopation
4.  Advanced Syncopation
5.  Chord Voicing (Fuller R.H. Melody)
6.  Chord Voicing (Fills & Runs)
7.  Soloing on The Fly
8.  Supporting a Singer
9.  Chord Voicing (Creative Ideas)

Join 15,237 Adults in The Program

Currently Viewing

"Song Vault"


"Song Vault + Build Better Technique"

Simple Theory

Play Your Favorite
Songs Like a PRO

The Basics

Full Finger
Strength Training

Full Rhythm &
Coordination Training

Full Improvising &
Soloing Training

Video Content

864 minutes

1,644 minutes




Ready To Get Started?

Access to my 200+ lessons database (27+ hours), piano videos, chord charts/lead sheets, new videos uploaded weekly, downloads and more for just $37/month - that's just $1.23/day!
Questions? Call/Text Nik at 1-951-805-1406 or click the chat button, when available.
Cancel Anytime.

"Imagine Sounding Like This???"

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Write your awesome label here.

What Are You Waiting For?

Put The Small Investment Down Today & Get Full Access!

Perhaps you are worried about the monthly tuition of $37/month. Keep in mind, I believe in getting adults quick results. Which means, I tested the exercises and ideas that work and only included those in my program. You're bypassing all of the "fluff" and "noise".

So, if you don't see results within 30 days or feel you cannot stay in the program for any reason, just email or call/text me 1-951-805-1406 and I'll personally un-enroll you from the program.

What you should be thinking about today - in the moment - is investing $1.23/day for 30 days to get access to your choice of over 200 lessons, songs, and training topics...

It is my goal in this first 30 days to completely blow you away and prove to you that you should remain a member of the "Song Vault + Better Piano Technique" course. If I do my job, I'm certain you will find room for this type of ongoing training. If I don't knock you off your feet with my comprehensive training resources and tools, simply cancel.

You are not committing to anything today but the small $37 investment for the first 30 days. After 30 days, simply do nothing and you will become a full-fledged member. Walk away by canceling before 30 days and owe nothing more.

Will you find a way to put down the small investment to get started today or will you always wonder what this training "could" have done for you playing?

Click here to get started today for just $37

Cancel Anytime

This is the resource that will save you years of trial and error, hundreds of dollars in time and lessons, and embarrassment (when you see a piano but won't play because you sound basic - even after years of lessons)

What if there was a one-stop shop to learn everything you need to know about filling out your favorite songs & building technique along side 1000s of other adults around the world?

What Are You Waiting For?

Put The Small Investment Down Today & Get Full Access!

Perhaps you are worried about the monthly tuition of $37/month. Keep in mind, I believe in getting adults quick results. Which means, I tested the exercises and ideas that work and only included those in my program. You're bypassing all of the "fluff" and "noise".

So, if you don't see results within 30 days or feel you cannot stay in the program for any reason, just email or call/text me 1-951-805-1406 and I'll personally un-enroll you from the program.

What you should be thinking about today - in the moment - is investing $1.23/day for 30 days to get access to your choice of over 190 lessons, songs, and training topics...

It is my goal in this first 30 days to completely blow you away and prove to you that you should remain a member of the "Full Rhythms, Improv & Soloing Course". If I do my job, I'm certain you will find room for this type of ongoing training. If I don't knock you off your feet with my comprehensive training resources and tools, simply cancel.

You are not committing to anything today but the small $37 investment for the first 30 days. After 30 days, simply do nothing and you will become a full-fledged member. Walk away by canceling before 30 days and owe nothing more.

Will you find a way to put down the small investment to get started today or will you always wonder what this training "could" have done for you playing?

Click here to get started today for just $37

Cancel Anytime.

If You're Tired of Playing "The Same Boring Way" & Feel Stuck, Then Enroll in My Program To Unlock 1,644 Minutes of Technique Training & Application in Songs You Love...

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

Access to my 200+ lessons database (27+ hours), piano videos, chord charts/lead sheets, new videos uploaded weekly, downloads and more for just $37/month - that's just $1.23/day!
Normally $37 for first 30 days, Limited time offer. Access to my 190-lessons database (31+ hours), piano videos, weekly videos, downloads and more for just $1 for 30 days. After the first 30 days, the tuition is only $1.23/day, if you decide to remain a member.
Cancel anytime.

Here's A Tour From Nik...

Write your awesome label here.

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

This offer is only available on this page. After closing this page, joining the Full Improv & Soloing Training will cost $37 upfront.
Normally $37 for first 30 days, Limited time offer. Access to my 190-lessons database (31+ hours), piano videos, new videos uploaded weekly, downloads and more for just $1 for 30 days. After the first 30 days, the tuition is only $1.23/day, if you decide to remain a member.
Normally $37 for first 30 days, Limited time offer. Access to my 190-lessons database (31+ hours), piano videos, weekly videos, downloads and more for just $1 for 30 days. After the first 30 days, the tuition is only $1.23/day, if you decide to remain a member.

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

If I Could Give You Back Your Wasted Time From Taking Traditional Lessons & Help You Play Your Favorite Songs With Feeling + Flow, Would That Be Worth $37/mo? Of Course it Would! Click HERE  to Enroll!

Access to my 190-lessons database (31+ hours), piano videos, learning path document, new videos uploaded weekly, downloads and more for just $37/month - that's just $1.23/day!
Cancel Anytime.
Normally $37 for first 30 days, Limited time offer. Access to my 190-lessons database (31+ hours), piano videos, weekly videos, downloads and more for just $1 for 30 days. After the first 30 days, the tuition is only $1.23/day, if you decide to remain a member.