Please enjoy this 100% FREE Lesson + Download
Please enjoy this 100% FREE Lesson + Download
"Free 15-Minute Video Reveals How To Use Left Hand Rhythm To Flow, Play Freely & Fill Out Songs"
"Free 15-Minute Video Reveals How To Use Left Hand Rhythm To Flow, Play Freely & Fill Out Songs"
BONUS: Download The "Advanced Rhythms in "O Christmas Tree" Video Today!
BONUS: Download The "Advanced Rhythms in "O Christmas Tree" Video Today!

Download link: "Advanced Rhythms in 'O Christmas Tree' "
Please enjoy this 100% FREE Lesson + Download
"Free 15-Minute Video Reveals How To Use Left Hand Rhythm To Flow, Play Freely & Fill Out Songs"
BONUS: Download The "Advanced Rhythms in "O Christmas Tree" Video Today!
Download link: "Advanced Rhythms in 'O Christmas Tree' "
Want To Keep The Learning Going? There are 29 More Lessons That Cover Rhythm Fundamentals Just Like This In The Training Center. See Below For Details...
Want To Keep The Learning Going? There are 29 More Lessons That Cover Rhythm Fundamentals Just Like This In The Training Center. See Below For Details...

FREE BONUS: Learn How To Fill Out Your Favorite Songs in This 29-Lesson Rhythm Foundations Course
FREE BONUS: New Application Videos Uploaded Weekly To Learn How To Apply What You're Learning To Actual Playing + Songs
Application Videos Uploaded To The Platform Weekly And Currently Free For All New Members!
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
Videos Uploaded To The Platform Weekly And Currently Free For All New Members!
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
Here's the Rhythms Course curriculum:
Here are application videos already uploaded:
Get this entire 27-lesson Rhythms Foundations course for free when you enroll in the Full Rhythms, Improv & Soloing Training Center. As soon as you log-in, click on RhythmTechniques4U to begin your first lesson!

Want To Keep The Learning Going? There are 27 More Lessons That Cover Rhythm Fundamentals Just Like This In The Training Center. See Below For Details...
Want To Keep The Learning Going? There are 27 More Lessons That Cover Rhythm Fundamentals Just Like This In The Training Center. See Below For Details...

FREE BONUS: Learn How To Fill Out Your Favorite Songs in This 27-Lesson Rhythm Foundations Course
Application Videos Uploaded To The Platform Weekly And Currently Free For All New Members!
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
If you're not a member, the good news is you can become one for just $1 and get access to this never ending video uploading spree from Nik (one-time opportunity)
Here's the Rhythms Course curriculum:
Get this entire 27-lesson Rhythms Foundations course for free when you enroll in the Full Rhythms, Improv & Soloing Training Center. As soon as you log-in, click on RhythmTechniques4U to begin your first lesson!

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To My "Rhythm Techniques 4U" Course As Well As 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

"Introducing The #1 Tool Busy Adults Are Using To Learn Casual Improv, Play by Ear, & Enjoy Piano Without Sheets"
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To My "Rhythm Techniques 4U" Course As Well As 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

"Introducing The #1 Tool Busy Adults Are Using To Learn Casual Improv, Play by Ear, & Enjoy Piano Without Sheets"
This is the resource that will save you years of trial and error, hundreds of dollars in time and lessons, and embarrassment (when you see a piano but won't play because you sound basic - even after years of lessons)
What if there was a one-stop shop to learn everything you need to know about natural flow & improvising along side 1000s of other adults around the world?
This is the resource that will save you years of trial and error, hundreds of dollars in time and lessons, and embarrassment (when you see a piano but won't play it because you continue to sound basic)
What if there was a one-stop shop to learn everything you need to know about natural flow & improv along side 1000s of other adults around the world?
"Have You Ever Felt This Way?"
"Here's What You're Getting For $1..."

Building a full sound and understanding how to use rhythm when you play doesn't happen by chance. The goal of my "RhythmTechniques4U" course is to strengthen your control and sixteenth-note-placement. In addition to that, you will learn how to properly engage your mind-to-muscle connection with 10 distinct exercises I created.
After developing your control, you'll have access to the Application Video Tutorial Library that covers real-world application of how to activate your left hand rhythms properly to enjoy sounding natural when you play.
No application is left uncovered. That's why I'm committed to uploading videos weekly to help you learn properly in genres/songs you enjoy playing.
Here's some recent application video uploads:
"Phrasing & Polyrhythms - Half The Secret To Flowing & Improvising on Piano" (uploaded this week)
"Intermediate Melodic Soloing in "Mad World" by Gary Jules" (uploaded this week)
"How To Play Piano With Singing" (uploaded this week)
"Let it Be" - Comping & Solid Chord Soloing (uploaded 1 week ago)
"Piano Man" Advanced Rhythm Application (uploaded 2 weeks ago)

The key is a blend of memorizing patterns + polyrhythm phrasing + left hand rhythm activation. My unique methods which you won't find anywhere else are broken into six detailed solo & improv videos with over 160 minute of pure soloing and improv exercise tutorials and application videos!
"Solo & Improvise Like Me" is handcrafted to develop a specific sound in mind. You'll be able to memorize eight unique patterns that start at the beginner level and gradually bring you to a HIGH LEVEL of FLOWING. You'll be able to take those patters with you anytime you sit down to play.
You Also Get...

Over 190+ video lessons with virtual keyboards that show upper/lower registers AND chord notation!

Arranged by viewing order, stress free, easy-to-use drop down menus keep even the most "non-techy" adults organized!

Absolute Fundamental Courses:The Basics" & "Finger Strength & Accuracy" video courses!

Enjoy the discussion tab & slo-mo features to interact with others and slow sections down that interest you!

"Imagine Sounding Like This???"

Imagine Sounding Like This?
Write your awesome label here.
"Here's What You're Getting For $1..."

Building a full sound and understanding how to use rhythm when you play doesn't happen by chance. The goal of my "RhythmTechniques4U" course is to strengthen your control and sixteenth-note-placement. In addition to that, you will learn how to properly engage your mind-to-muscle connection with 10 distinct exercises I created.
After developing your control, you'll have access to the Application Video Tutorial Library that covers real-world application of how to activate your left hand rhythms properly to enjoy sounding natural when you play.

No application is left uncovered. That's why I'm committed to uploading videos weekly to help you learn properly in genres/songs you enjoy playing.
Here's some recent application video uploads:
"Phrasing & Polyrhythms - Half The Secret To Flowing & Improvising on Piano" (uploaded this week)
"Intermediate Melodic Soloing in "Mad World" by Gary Jules" (uploaded this week)
"How To Play Piano With Singing" (uploaded this week)
"Let it Be" - Comping & Solid Chord Soloing (uploaded 1 week ago)
"Piano Man" Advanced Rhythm Application (uploaded 2 weeks ago)

The key is a blend of memorizing patterns + polyrhythm phrasing + left hand rhythm activation. My unique methods which you won't find anywhere else are broken into six detailed solo & improv videos with over 160 minute of pure soloing and improv exercise tutorials and application videos!
"Solo & Improvise Like Me" is handcrafted to develop a specific sound in mind. You'll be able to memorize eight unique patterns that start at the beginner level and gradually bring you to a HIGH LEVEL of FLOWING. You'll be able to take those patters with you anytime you sit down to play.
You Also Get...

Over 190+ video lessons with virtual keyboards that show upper/lower registers AND chord notation!

Stress free, easy-to-use, drop down menus to keep even the most "non-techy" adult organized!

Enjoy the discussion tab & slo-mo features to interact with others and slow sections down that interest you!

Absolute Fundamentals Courses: "The Basics" & "Finger Strength & Accuracy"

"Imagine Sounding Like This???"

Imagine Sounding Like This?
Write your awesome label here.
"If You've Tried Traditional Lessons & Quit + Want To Play FREELY, With Both Hands, Without Feeling Stiff, Then My Full Rhythms & Improv Course Might Be Exactly What You've Been Looking For!"
"If You've Tried Traditional Lessons & Quit + Want To Play FREELY, With Both Hands, Without Feeling Stiff, Then My Full Rhythms & Improv Course Might Be Exactly What You've Been Looking For!"
"24/7 Access To The Largest & Longest Running Platform For Learning Flow & Improv Online"
"24/7 Access To The Largest & Longest Running Platform For Learning Flow & Improv Online (31+ Hours of Video Lessons)!"
Non-Traditional Insanely Effective Methods
Access to the #1 improv piano resource on the web with Nik's powerful no sheet music approach & unique exercises.
Join the Conversation
Connect with adults wanting to play piano casually from around the world instantly.
Weekly Videos Uploads
Enjoy application videos uploaded weekly so you understand how to apply what you learn to actual playing.
5 Hours of Rhythm Foundation Lessons (Most Likely Your First Task)
Develop a strong understanding of how to use rhythm effectively, the base to flowing, improvising and sounding natural.
YouTube Pro Teacher
Learn from Nik, an effective teacher with unique methods no one else is teaching + guru of one of the top rated piano YouTube channels online.
31+ Hours of Full Video Course Material
Instantly access my four flagship courses, archived application videos, powerful upcoming videos + MUCH much more.
13 years. 26 Countries. 22,799+ Students.

"Check Out These Sample Lessons From The Training Center..."
"Check Out These Sample Lessons From The Training Center..."
"A Platform For Casual Playing, By an Improv Pro"
Courses & Videos Are Organized by Viewing Order
This ensures you master necessary easy-to-miss foundational have you sounding just as professional as Nik QUICKLY!
Nik Always Covers The Application Side of Things
Understanding how to apply what you are learning allows you to move from being a copy cat robot to expressing yourself freely on the piano based on what you feel.
New Application Videos Weekly (Until Nik Dies)
No application is left uncovered. That's why I'm committed to uploading videos weekly to help you learn properly in genres you enjoy playing.
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To My "Rhythm Techniques 4U" Course As Well As 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To My "Rhythm Techniques 4U" Course As Well As 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

What Are You Waiting For?
Put The $1 Down Today & Get Full Access!
Perhaps you are worried about the monthly tuition of $37/month. Keep in mind, this isn't due until 30 days after your membership begins. I believe in giving the value FIRST, allowing you to try out the entire training center before I ask you to pay for the tuition.
If you feel you cannot stay in the program for any reason, just email or call/text me 1-951-805-1406 and I'll personally un-enroll you from the program.
What you should be thinking about today - in the moment - is investing $1 to get access to your choice of over 190 lessons, songs, and training topics. $1... today.
It is my goal in this first 30 days to completely blow you away and prove to you that you should remain a member of the "Full Rhythms, Improv & Soloing Course". If I do my job, I'm certain you will find room for this type of ongoing training. If I don't knock you off your feet with my comprehensive training resources and tools, simply cancel.
You are not committing to anything today but the $1 investment for the first 30 days. After 30 days, simply do nothing and you will become a full-fledged member. Walk away by canceling before 30 days and owe nothing more.
Will you find a way to put down the $1 to get started today or will you always wonder what this training "could" have done for you playing?
Perhaps you are worried about the monthly tuition of $37/month. Keep in mind, this isn't due until 30 days after your membership begins. I believe in giving the value FIRST, allowing you to try out the entire training center before I ask you to pay for the tuition.
If you feel you cannot stay in the program for any reason, just visit email or call/text me 1-951-805-1406 and I'll personally un-enroll you from the program.
What you should be thinking about today - in the moment - is investing $1 to get access to your choice of over 190 lessons, songs, and training topics. $1... today.
It is my goal in this first 30 days to completely blow you away and prove to you that you should remain a member of the Full rhythms, improv & soloing training. If I do my job, I'm certain you will find room for this type of ongoing training. If I don't knock you off your feet with my comprehensive training resources and tools, simply cancel.
You are not committing to anything today but the $1 investment for the first 30 days. After 30 days, simply do nothing and you will become a full-fledged member. Walk away by canceling before 30 days and owe nothing more.
Will you find a way to put down the $1 to get started today or will you always wonder what this training "could" have done for you playing?
Click here to get started today for just $1

Sign Up Now Before The Timer Strikes Zero And Receive A Secret Google Drive Link With Bonus Videos I Only Give To My 1-ON-1 Students!
Sign Up Now Before The Timer Strikes Zero And Receive A Secret Google Drive Link With Bonus Videos I Only Give To My 1-ON-1 Students!

98 minutes of bonus videos
Here's A Tour From Nik...
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of Rhythm, FLOW, & Improvisation Training...
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...

Write your awesome label here.
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW & Improvisation Training...
One-Time Opportunity!
$1 Gets You Access To 31+ Hours of FLOW, Rhythms, & Improvisation Training...